03.12.2004 to 06.12.2004
Chennai City Fire and Rescue Services Updates :
On December 3, 2004, a fire in a hutment area in Royapetta at 20.30 hours destroyed 70 huts. 8 water tenders worked to put out the fire. The huts had been constructed within the gaps among buildings and problems of accessibility caused hindrance to fire fighting.
On the early morning of December 5, 2004, a devastating fire broke out in Unit II of North Chennai Thermal Power Station (NCTPS) at Attipattu, about 40 kilometers from Chennai City, leading to disruption of power generation. The water tender and the crash tender available in the fire station at NCTPS immediately sprang into action. 10 more vehicles were rushed from neighouring fire stations were rushed to assist in fire fighting. Deputy Director ( Northern Region ) supervised the fire fighting operation. Divisional Officers of North and South Divisions played an active role in bringing the fire under control within a couple of hours. Mrs Meenakshi Vijayakumar, in whose jurisdiction the power plant lies, informed that the presence of combustible lubricating oil which circulates in the turbine parts made the task of fire fighting tough. Four persons, trapped in a laboratory, were rescued by the fire personnel. Mr. S.K. Dogra, IPS, Director of Fire and Rescue Services, who visited the spot, appreciated the good work done by the F&RS personnel. He also met the Chairman and other senior officials of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board and reviewed the entire incident with them. He also suggested to Chairman, TNEB, that joint teams could be formed to study the fire safety level of all power plants in Tamil Nadu.
On December 6, 2004, at 18.00 hrs, a fire in a hutment area near Kodambakkam Bridge destroyed 6 huts. 4 water tenders were used to put out the fire.
Fire in an Electronics Shop in Thiruvannamalai :
On 28.11.2004, there was a fire in an Electronics Shop at Thiruvannamalai. As it was an air-conditioned shop, it was fully covered with glasses. As soon as the information was received, the Fire and Rescue Service Personnel of Thiruvannamalai rushed to the spot. The Fire Engines from Polur, Kilpennathur, Sengam, Vettavalam, Peranamallur, Javvadhumalai were also rushed to the spot. When a fire engine was rushing to the spot with high speed, the driver mechanic Dandapani(44yrs) died as the engine turned turtle.
After struggling for three hours, they put out the fire. While putting out
the fire, the Firemen LakshmiNarayanan(42yrs), Arulkumar(33yrs) and Prakash(26yrs) became unconscious as there was a heavy smoke inside. Moreover, the glasses began to explode due to fire. Firemen Ramesh(32yrs) and Selvamani were also badly injured because of exploded glasses. They were immediately admitted to the Government Hospital in Thiruvannamalai.
More city schools are getting involved in maintaining :
On 23.11.2004, students of the Madras Christian College Higher Secondary School at Chetpet were given a live demonstration of fire-fighting and rescue skills. Mr.Krishnamurthy, Station Officer, Fire and Rescue Services, Egmore explained to them the various kinds of fires and the use of fire extinguishers. Fire Fighters also demonstrated how to rescue victims stranded in upper floors of buildings using ladders and ropes.

Fireman becomes unconscious while rescuing two:
On 20.11.2004, two sewage workers trapped in sewage and were rescued from a sewage drain which had evidently developed a poisonous gas. The incident took place on N.S.C Bose Road, at 3.20 hrs in the early hours of the morning, Thiru. Kuppan, Male, 42 yrs and Thiru. Irudhayam, Male, 32 yrs who were trapped in the sewage were rescued in an unconscious condition. They were immediately rushed to the Government General Hospital.
During the rescue operation, Fireman 6967, Thiru. Ezhilvendhan of Esplanade Fire Station became unconscious from inhaling the poisonous gas and had to be hospitalized.
F & R Services to give training to teachers:
Government in G.O. Ms. No. 149, Home ( Pol – 17 ) Dept, have ordered Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services to impart training to the P.E.T’s of various schools in batches so as to prepare them for handling of fire exigencies for conducting fire safety drills. The order prescribes that nearly 400 teachers should be given intensive training, while all other teachers should be given a general orientation course. The former group will act as the Resource Persons of the Department.
19.11.2004 (Friday)
An Indian Oil Corporation tanker carrying 20,000 litres of crude oil overturned near Mahalingapuram on Thursday afternoon, disrupting traffic for more than four hours. The accident occurred as the driver could not negotiate a sharp left turn. Today, the Fire and Rescue Service Personnel have given fire protection arrangements using foam tender and water tenders till the mopping operation completes.

18.11.2004 (Thursday)
On 18th November, a private school van carrying 25 girls turned upside down near Nandanam. The accident occured when the driver of the van applied sudden brake. The Fire and Rescue Services Personnel from Saidapet Fire and Rescue Station rushed to the spot. They broke the wind screen of the van and rescued the girls safely. Three girls were severely injured and had been admitted to the nearby Hospital.