Fire Services
Fire Service :
- The Fire and Rescue Services Directorate plays a very vital role in the area of fire fighting and fire prevention. Properties worth crores of rupees are saved each year from the ravages of fire and scores of people have been rescued from fires. Apart from fire fighting, this department also undertakes rescue activities and has saved hundreds of people, marooned in floods, and caught in the debris of fallen buildings, road and rail accidents and other natural and man-made disasters.
- The SERVICE function, it has STATUTORY, REGULATORY AND ADVISORY functions also.
- The Department also provides advice on fire protection measures for high-rise buildings, factories, places of public resort and fairs and festivals.
- The Department also has a statutory role in inspection of various buildings as provided for under the Fire Service Act and Rules.
Fire Fighting :
- General Public request the Departments Services by calling up on 101 and intimate the details of emergency.
- Department turns out the Fire Vehicle within One Minute of receiving the call. The response time taken to reach emergency site depends upon the distance from Fire Station to scene of Fire Accident.
- Department turns out the Fire Vehicle within One Minute of receiving the call. The response time taken to reach emergency site depends upon the distance from Fire Station to scene of Fire Accident.
- It is also proposed to provide GPS enabled devices to all fire tenders across the State.
Fire Awareness :
- Creating Awareness on fire safety in Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Malls and Multiplexes and other public congregation Places.
- Creating Awareness by distributing Brochures, Pamphlets and posters.
- Conducting Mock Drills in Fire Hazardous Buildings.
- Conducting inspection of hazardous premises and Multi Storied Buildings for ensuring Fire Safety Compliance.

Rescue Services
Rescue Operations :
- Fire department responds to Natural/Manmade Disaster like Cyclones, floods, drowning, Rail/Road/Aircraft accidents, Building Collapses, Chemicals, Biological and Nuclear Emergencies
- Flushing out of stagnated water in submerged areas during heavy rains/Urban Flooding..
- Responding to accidents/Emergencies and rescuing trapped people and animals.
Rescue Vehicles & Equipments:
- To perform its function effectivetly the Department is provided with a good collection of vehicles and Modern equipments to deal with emergencies.
- More than 15 types of vehicles are provided to rescue the people.
- More than 30 types of equipments are available to perform rescue operations
- Fire Service vehicles are utilized for bandobust and standby arrangements during festivals and large gatherings.
Rescue Training :
- A fully modern Training centre is situated near Tambaram in Chennai, which is on par with the National Fire Service College at Nagpur. Built at a cost of over Rs.4.00 Crores.
- The training centre has all the latest training facilities including dormitories, mess etc. It can train about 100 persons at a time. Training is being imparted to the personnel of this Department as well as Fire Service personnel from other States and to persons in Public Sector Undertakings. Training programme will also be held for training members of the general public.